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    1. #1
      Member's Avatar

      XERQ Privacy Reminder

      I'm going to stick this once every few months just as a reminder since I want us to be transparent.

      This is a public forum, what you write here will be visible to non-registered users and indexed by search engines. When you want to write about personal topics that you don't want associated with your main account, simply create an AE.

      Mods and curators can see deleted posts, but NOT edits (only I can see edit history), so if you accidentally type something and want it removed, simply edit it first then delete. Posts can only be physically deleted by myself.

      Mods and myself can see IP addresses. Only I can see email addresses. Mods are required to never share information outside of the Mod subforum.

      Only I have full access to the production database. PMs are saved in the production database but are not viewable by mods or myself through our control panels. The only way to view PMs would be if I ran queries directly against the database, which would only happen if we were legally required. With that said:

      All subpoenas from any law enforcement agencies will be complied with immediately and any content posted is done without an expectation of privacy. This forum can not be held liable for content you post, both in the public forum or in private message(s).

      Basically don't post illegal material in your PMs or you will be held liable.

      : only mods have access to these, and allow us a way to keep track of incoming issues and gives us an audit trail. If you have more sensitive information you want to share with us, please PM me + any other mods directly. Keep in mind turnaround time is slower this way, but it means more privacy.

      If you have any questions please contact me directly.

    2. #2
      Member's Avatar
      I've been told information is spreading that mods have access to your emails. This is not true, only I have access to your email addresses, not actual emails. PMs are not accessible by anyone in a control panel, the only way to access them is by writing queries directly against the database which only I have access to. The only information I can see in the control panel regarding PMs is the usage per account, that's it.

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